Tuesday, October 9, 2012

What ever happened to the Missouri Vision Project?

Some time ago educators from across Missouri participated in the Vision Project for Missouri Public Education.  The final report was issued in October of 2011, but where are we now?  The October 4, 2011 news release from MASA read:

The Missouri Association of School Administrators (MASA) and the Missouri School Boards’ Association (MSBA) have completed a joint Missouri Public Education Vision Project. MASA and MSBA represent those charged with legal responsibility for governance and executive leadership of Missouri Public Schools and each group has developed advocacy positions in past years. This project is the first time these groups have jointly developed a comprehensive vision for public schools in Missouri.

To create this vision, a task force made up of education leaders from MSBA and MASA was formed with two major purposes: (1) to critically examine the components of our current public school system; and (2) to suggest changes that could transform our current system into one that better meets the needs of 21st century learners and ensures that graduates of Missouri public schools are prepared for college, career and life. The project was coordinated by Dr. Tom Cummings, Retired Superintendent from North Kansas City.

To complete the vision, the project reflects three major goals: (1) to create unifying transformational principles around which coalitions will form to change the education culture in our state; (2) to provide guidance to local school districts as they develop strategic improvement plans for increased educational opportunities in their communities; and (3) to build trust and support for public education.

To accomplish these goals, this project report will be shared and discussed with legislative and educational policy makers; boards of education; superintendents; school staff members; students; parents and the general public.

On the surface it looks like the report was published, several Boards of Education adopted resolutions supporting it, then it faded away.  I don't hear much talk of it.  There aren't any easy-to-find links from the MSBA website or the MASA website.

I had the privilege of serving on the governance, leadership, and accountability subcommittee.  Good stuff came from our group and the other groups.

Will the Vision Project end up being a nice document on a shelf, or will statewide leaders collaborate to implement the recommendations?

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