Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Connect, Collaborate, and Learn from Others

Years ago one of my mentors told me he really felt like he began to make a significant difference for his district after starting to attend national conferences.  He had long been a successful superintendent, but felt the exposure to innovative thinkers at the national level ramped up his leadership.

My experience would mirror that.  I felt like I was doing a pretty good job as a school leader, but once I started getting exposed to innovative thinkers beyond my state we really started moving the needle of student achievement.  It goes beyond exposure to innovative thinkers though. 

It's connecting with high quality, effective leaders that makes you want to do better.  You see what others are doing and want to replicate it.  You also get to share what you're doing and find that others want to learn from you as well.

I'm thankful to have been able to connect with amazing leaders in my state and beyond.  Each of them has helped me become a better leader. 

#suptchat colleagues Michael Lubelfeld and Nick Polyak

Missouri superintendents at a state conference.

AASA Executive Committee members Tim Mitchell, Brock Womble, Jule Walker, and AASA President-Elect Alton Frailey.

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