Sunday, August 12, 2012

Paddling with Troop 2

Paddle with Troop 2 was a great time for Zack and me.  We arrived at their camp late Friday and had a great night's sleep in the tent.  Zack was up early Saturday and exploring before hitting the water.

We paddled from Two Rivers to Powder Mill.  Seventeen boys, four leaders, Zack and I were off for a great day on Current River.  After some quick instruction I took the lead boat position.  The conversation among the boys was interesting and they wanted to race.  After a bit we pulled over on a nice gravel bar to let the boys swim. The temperatures were much cooler than they had been all summer, so there was some shivering.

Another stop for lunch and I went to the rear of the pack to help two scouts finish canoeing merit badge.  They had not gotten it complete at summer camp.  They were left with what I think is the most difficult requirement for small boys--entering the boat in deep water with assistance.  It took us a couple of times, but the boys were successful.  I also demonstrated some alternate methods.

After another stop it was time to help some scouts with kayaking merit badge.  One of the leaders is a merit badge counselor for the badge, so I was the helper.  We took four boys through the paces on the water.

One of the boats was a Dagger Response.  I watched it being paddled all day and wondered if I would fit in it.  My height is a disadvantage in trying to fit in a nice whitewater boat.  I was curious if I would fit.  After adjusting the foot pegs I was able to crowd my legs in.  What a fund boat to paddle and easy to roll without a skirt.  Might have to investigate finding a used one.

Thanks to Troop 2 for letting us join them for a nice day on the river.

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